Friday 1 July 2011

First Barbel Session!

Due to deciding to go on a little cycle ride to Afica from June 1st - June 27th I haven't been able to hit the rivers at all until now.

Following an unsuccessful luring trip yesterday on the ouse I took some time out to have a good long look at some likely looking Barbel swims as I was going to have a go for them the next day (Today).

After spotting dozens of roving chub swimming up and down the streamer lined gravel bars I spotted a much larger, slightly lighter in colour shaped fish, which of course turned out to be a nice sized barbel. Its been hard enough spotting them the last year or two but as long as you can find them you can catch them!

I turned up at the same swim the next day loaded with a couple of rods and other essential items. The swim I chose was a real hit and hold type swim, snags everywhere and I had to keep hidden behind overhanging trees as I was only fishing a rod length or so out.

The swim was again teeming with Chub and as I sat back and waited I was convinced the first fish would be a chub, I hadn't caught a glimpse of a Barbel in the swim yet but would be satisfied with a decent chub to kick the season off with.

Twenty minutes or so later when I wasn't paying much attention my rod swerved to the left and I was in. It felt big straight away but assumed it was a chub as it made a dash for cover. Luckily I had remembered to set the clutch perfectly and I could control the fish enough to keep it away from any nearby obstacles. After a while the fish tired and it wasn't long before I saw the Barbel coming towards me on the surface. I was very surprised as I didn't expect to catch one this year let alone in the first 20 minutes of trying for one.

7lb 11 oz of Beautiful Great Ouse Barbel and one very happy Fisherman!

1 comment:

  1. Top angling...I'm off for a session tomorrow to try out my new rod that I found on a train in the pyrenees
