Tuesday 10 August 2010

Bream and Tench Fishing In Olney

Took a trip to Olney yesterday mainly to have a look around, suss out a few likely looking swims and also have a cheeky fish. Eventually set up at around 17:30 after having a good look round the clubs waters.

I knew the swim contained Barbel, Chub, Tench, Bream and also a few Carp, so set up using 8lb mainline, with a 10lb braided hair-rig with a cheesy pellet on the business end. I wasn't fussed about targeting anything specific although I would take a big Barbel over the rest anyday.

Within an hour Spack had the first fish of the venue, easing out a nice 4lbish Tench

An hour or so later I had my first bite, Striking into a powerful fish It felt like a nice chub but turned out to be a Pike! It had taken the pellet cleanly inside its mouth only to Slice through the line when it came withinn sight

I had my first fish at around 21:30 after missing a couple of nice bites. The Bream Weighed in at 6lb 5oz.

I then had my second proper fish of the night resulting in another Bream weighing in at around 5lbs.

I also Managed a small Chublet and Spack somehow caught a Gudgeon on a 10mm Pellet.

All in all a very promising start to a new water. The Stretch contains a lot of variation from fast flowing, streamer lined Barbel and Chub Spots to slow, deep, weedy stretches ideal for Carp, Tench and Winter Pike.
It was also the first time I encountered Crayfish on the Ouse, which I found can make short work of any bait you place in front of it.

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