Saturday 19 June 2010

First Outing Of The Season

Managed to get out for a few hours before work yesterday (18th). Have been itching to give the fly rods a go on the rivers for months now. Wasn't sure to target Chub on the 5 weight or Pike on the 9 weight so ended up bringing both.

Had a thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours until the rain kicked in wading up and down the river in shorts and crocks, ccccooooollllddd (still awaiting wading boots to arrive in the post).

After trying a few different spots and flies I opted for a size 12 foam Grasshopper imitation in hope of landing a few chub.

The fly was sucked up seconds after landing in a shallow run near the bank, close to a sunken tree, but due to over excited clumsiness I failed to set the hook, flicked the fly back out, Fish On..... Fish off, after 30 seconds of drama the fly popped out. Tossed it out again... Sluuuurp, Fish On, a couple of minutes later it was in the net and I had my first ever fly caught fish, a chub weighing around 3lb.

The Chub seem to slurp up the flies a lot more gently than the way I'm used to catching them when their hammering surface lures, presumably there's no rush in taking a drowning fly whereas a moving fish/mouse/frog needs to be dispatched quickly before it gets away.

Only managed the 1 fish before the heavens opened but will be back soon in search of more river Ouse chub on the fly.

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