Thursday 20 May 2010

More Course (Carp) Fishing

Have been fishing a lot more commercial waters recently in the hope of nailing some early summer Tench but all I seem to be catching is Carp.

Most of them being around the 5-12lb mark and all looking pretty much the same. Most of the fish have fell to floating crust, which is a hell of a lot of fun especially when the weather was as nice as it was today (24c!!) with the odd one here and there falling to sweetcorn or worms intended for Tench.

Had a go at fly fishing for carp today, which proved a lot harder than I anticipated, the flies I ordered from Ebay turned out to be a bit pants, the bread replicas were way too small and the Carp didn't seem to pay much attention to them, the dog biscuit replicas proved a bit more promising but I forgot to bring the dog biscuits so they were pretty much ignored as well!!

Anyhow, Below are a few pics of Carp caught recently by myself and Spack from the Waterend Fisheries in Maulden.

Below is the biggest of the last few sessions weighing just over 12lb.

These lakes hold some of the ugliest carp Ive ever seen probably due to the fact that they get caught so often, most of the fish we caught seemed to have some kind of deformity or another going on. This one was probably the ugliest, the Frank Ribery or Scotty Styrus of the Carp world.

1 comment:

  1. Soxy's got Ribery in his sticker album and I agree, your carp is the Ribery of the Carp World! Glad to see you've got a fishing chum... Callum obsessed with ducks at the moment, won't be long before it's fish ;-)
    Dor x
