Monday 5 April 2010

Fishing in Cambodia and Thailand

Just got back a few days ago from my trip to Thailand and Cambodia, ended up spending two weeks in each country and had a thoroughly awesome time.

Managed to snap my new Savage Gear rod in the 2nd week when we hired a sea Kayak in South Cambodia. After falling off several times due to some really big waves I finally thought I was on to a winner when I got on OK with all my gear attached to the kayak, paddled out a few meters only to realize the rod was missing. It had washed up on the beach with it being snapped in two places :( . Still its better than being eaten by a giant crab!!!

While in Cambodia we did a spot of traditional net fishing using a net, which had a metal chain around the outside used for trapping fish. We then had to get on our hands and knees and feel for the fish trapped in the net, which proved harder than it sounds. Spack managed 1 fish, I blanked and the guy who took us out bagged about 40!

After the boat trip in the previous post we headed out of Cambodia and after a 10 hour bus Journey arrived in Bangkok, a further 3 1/2 hours later we were in Korat (a Provence in central Thailand North of Bangkok) The fishing wasn't great due to a 4 month long draught and being in the middle of the dry season.

After not wetting a line for a few days things got desperate!

We baited a hook with a minnow caught in a nearby pond, we were then asked to catch 5 fish from a over-sized vase for dinner, the small tank held a few snake head and catfish, we didn't manage to land any snakeheads but had to make do with 7 catfish with only 4 being big enough to eat.

We then went to a small lake 5 minutes away from the house we were staying at which was teeming with small perch like fish. We caught around 30 in a couple of hours between 5 of us.

While in Khao Yai national park, I tried a cheeky spot of lure fishing, which unsurprisingly wasn't successful. I then opted for bread on a size 12 hook, which produced 5 or 6 little minnows...Sad.

That was pretty much it as far as the fishing went, the highlight defo being the sea fishing trip in Cambodia. Had a great time catching lots of weird and wonderful fish using a variety of new and different techniques.


  1. Old spack seems to be picking up this fishing lark quite quickly tho don't he???

  2. Just saw his Barbel from the other night, looks huge in the pic, Awesome Fish and a nice chub too!

  3. hey there, where in Cambodia di you find these small lakes ?????
    \what about hte three rivers in Phnom Penh?

    any fishing there off shore?
